Terms & Conditions


Please read the following Terms and Conditions before proceeding with your booking. By proceeding with your booking, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. Your agreement is with Fixation Academy of Performing Arts (FAPA/us) providing these classes & services. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

Payments & Booking Confirmation

  • PLEASE NOTE – if you are booking one of our limited free open days, and are eligible for the session (a new student), this will be free of charge. Free open days are not always available and subject to withdrawal at any time. Free open days are subject to availability and do not guarantee a place at any other Fixation Academy of Performing Arts class.
  • To secure your place in a class, you must book via our website and make payment before the class date and time. Admittance to classes (physical or online) without payment is not permitted.
  • Please note that once booking is completed along with the fee indicated, you have opted to secure your place (fees are non-returnable and non-transferable). Once you have completed registration it indicates you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.
  • For term time classes we operate a subscription payment system. Please see below in the subscription section for more information.
  • In order to avoid disturbing classes, students are requested to arrive in good time. Entrance to classes may be barred to anyone arriving more than 15 minutes late 
  • We accept childcare vouchers which must be paid and cleared into our account at least 48hours before your first booking date. Please follow payment instructions. Places will be cancelled if payment is not received.

Cancellations & Refunds (any Class Format / Holiday Camp)

  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts are under no obligation to credit or refund in the event that your child is unable to attend part, or the entirety, of the classes paid for; including holidays, sickness or other reasons. We regret that we are not always able to offer an alternative for missed sessions. Wherever possible, please notify the location manager via text, email or social media message if your child is unable to attend a session.
  • If your child wishes to amend the day or time of their class, please give one month’s written notice via email to Subscriptions@fixatoinacademy.co.uk.
  • If you child does not wish to continue with their class, please inform in writing by the following dates 31/08/2024; 16/12/2024; 31/03/2025; 15/07/2025 to not be charged for the following term.
  • Classes cannot be transferred, offered as credit or be refunded once a payment has been made.
  • Subscription payment amounts will be adjusted to cover any classes that fall within your cancellation period and once that payment has been received your subscription will be cancelled.
  • Holiday Camp payments are non refundable, unless 7 days notice in writing is given to info@fixationacadmey.co.uk or a credit note can be issued to be used at a future camp only.
  • Our cancellation policy will apply at all times.
  • If you have paid for your child's holiday camp via childcare vouchers and require a refund 7 days before your child's attendance. Please email childcare@fixationacademy.co.uk. We will refund back to your childcare voucher provider.


  • Fixation Academy runs in accordance with school term times. Your payment plan covers all fees for the year. Any extra rehearsals that may be requested by Fixation Academy during the lead up to performances will fall within the subscription monthly fee and will not result in any additional charges.
  • Additional events hosted by Fixation Academy, including parties, taster days and holiday camps are not included within your subscription fee and are at an additional, optional cost.
  • Class fees are split into 11 affordable payments, therefore fees are still due during term holidays (but not on the month of August).
  • Fees are payable on the 1st of every month.
  • If you start half way through a month you will be charged for the number of classes in that month and then your first payment will occur.
  • If your child wishes to amend the day or time of their class, please give one month’s written notice via email to Subscriptions@fixatoinacademy.co.uk.
  • If you child does not wish to continue with their class, please inform in writing by the following dates 31/09/2024; 31/01/2024; 30/04/2024 to not be charged for the following term.
  • Classes cannot be transferred, offered as credit or be refunded once a payment has been made.
  • Subscription payment amounts will be adjusted to cover any classes that fall within your cancellation period and once that payment has been received your subscription will be cancelled.
  • Please note all students taking part in our yearly show will need to pay an additional non-refundable Show Fee of £50.00. This includes a Fixation Show T-shirt as well as selected costumes worn during the show. This is charged within the Spring Term and parents and carers will be notified by email when this amount is due. If payment of the Show Fee is not met by the set deadline, your child will not be included in the yearly show.

Physically Based Classes

  • In the instance that a class venue cannot be used in the short term (due to e.g. refurbishment), we will endeavour, where possible, to reschedule your session. In this instance Fixation Academy of Performing Arts are not responsible for any travel expenses incurred.
  • It is occasionally necessary to change the time or venue of a class. This will only be done if necessary, and we will do our best to keep class times as similar as possible, but unfortunately, this cannot always be guaranteed.
  • If Fixation Academy of Performing Arts has to cancel a class with short notice then parents/carers will be informed via email or text. Please ensure you check before every class in case of a last-minute issue such as illness. In the event of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts having to cancel a session, we will issue a credit against your fees or rearrange the class.
  • When a class venue is not available on a longer-term basis (in excess of one week), on public health or other grounds outside of our control, then we cannot be responsible for providing any further sessions during that time at that venue. If this occurs, and in the event that it is not possible to reschedule the classes, we will switch to an alternative means of delivery, for example online live or pre-recorded video classes.
  • In a situation whereby a class is cancelled by the educational establishment (for example school trip, other activities taking place), you will still be charged for the session as this is outside of our control. There is no obligation to offer a credit.
  • In classes based in a school without your presence, we are not responsible for your child after the stated end time of the class. Please ensure your teacher is aware of who is permitted or not permitted to pick up your child and provide a safe password if requested. 

Online Classes

  • When partaking in an online class, your child is entirely your own responsibility and should be supervised during the class. Please ensure the following: that your child has a safe area in which to partake in the class as there will be physical movement involved; is dressed appropriately for the session; is aware of internet safety. We cannot accept any liability for injury or damage incurred as a result of the classes. We cannot accept liability for anything others may do or say during the class. Participation in the class is at your own risk.
  • We will endeavour to deliver the class uninterrupted, however we cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties and breaks in connectivity outside of our control. If the class ends due to technical issues before the stated end time, we will use our best endeavours to restart the class, reschedule the remaining time or add the additional time to the next class.
  • All online live classes are recorded to safeguard the tutors and students. The recordings are deleted at the end of class unless an incident occurs. 
  • All of the online classes will have a tutor delivering and also another unseen staff member present who will be the Host of the class. 

Force Majeure Event 

  • Force Majeure means an event beyond the reasonable control of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts including but not limited to strikes or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, notifiable or new emerging disease, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors. 
  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts shall not be liable to the Customer as a result of any failure to perform its obligations under this Contract as a result of a Force Majeure Event. If the Force Majeure Event prevents Fixation Academy of Performing Arts from providing services, Fixation Academy of Performing Arts shall, without limiting its other rights or remedies and without liability to the Customer, have the right to terminate classes immediately by giving written notice to the Customer.

Adverse Weather

  • In the case of adverse weather, where a session goes ahead (when the venue has been judged by the teacher to be accessible and safe), Fixation Academy of Performing Artsis under no obligation to credit sessions that may be missed in the event of adverse conditions local to yourselves preventing you from attending the session.
  • In the event of snow closures by an educational setting or community venue where classes are run, you will still be charged for the session as this is outside of our control and there is no obligation to offer a credit.


All participants take part in classes at their own risk. Whilst we take all reasonable steps to make the classes safe, Fixation Academy of Performing Arts cannot accept any liability for any injury or damage suffered by any participant or any other person in a class.

  • All students will need to be able to follow instructions and demonstrate positive behaviour at all times. Staff reserve the right to remove a student if they are not behaving in accordance with behaviour expectations.  
  • It is your responsibility to seek appropriate medical approval regarding any pre-existing condition of a participant and to disclose any such condition to us before booking. We do not accept any liability arising from the medical condition of any participant. 

Video and Photography

  • We love to celebrate our classes and your child’s participation via photographs and videos which would then be used by Fixation Academy of Performing Arts for marketing and publicity purposes in any form, including social media. You will be asked separately for permission to take photos & / or videos. If given, this permission can be withdrawn at any time by emailing info@fixationacademy.co.uk 
  • We do not allow any photographs or videos to be taken during the classes other than by the class leader themselves or an agent appointed by Fixation Academy of Performing Arts, and only when parental permission has been given. The only exception to this is during end of term class sharings, at shows and other performances in which parents are given permission to take photos/videos of their children.
  • Online sessions must not be reproduced, recorded, screen-shotted, photographed or reproduced in any other way.
  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts expressly forbids the right to reproduce any part of our lessons in any form for personal or commercial purposes. All music, songs, content and activities in the classes are the Intellectual Property of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts (other than when indicated otherwise).
  • Anyone suspected of reproducing the lessons in any format and for any purpose of publication will be asked to leave the current and all future sessions. In all instances the decision of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts Directors is final.
  • All photography, logos and illustrations are the copyright of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts. Any scanning or reproduction of any of these without our written agreement will be regarded as being in breach of our copyright and dealt with accordingly.
  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts cannot be held liable for the actions of third parties, and, therefore excludes to the fullest extent possible by law, any liability arising from a breach of this section headed ‘Video and Photography’ by any party.


  • All property (including prams) left in class venues or in entrance halls or outside, is left at your own risk. Fixation Academy of Performing Arts does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions.

Medical Conditions

  • You will be asked for any existing medical conditions that could affect the student during a class, on booking of a class. You agree to inform your Fixation Academy of Performing Arts tutors of any changes as soon as you are aware of them. All information will be kept strictly confidential and in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 and our Privacy / GDPR policy, a copy of which is available upon request on our the Fixation Academy of Performing Arts website. Medical conditions are classed as sensitive data and you will be asked separately for permission to store this data. If given, this permission can be withdrawn at any time by emailing info@fixationacademy.co.uk.

Withdrawal of Service & Behaviour Issues

  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts may refuse entry of a customer to the sessions if it is felt that the customer’s behaviour is unreasonable.
  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts class tutors & all attendees have the right to enjoy the classes. If the behaviour of an individual is impacting upon the management, safety and enjoyment of the class, then Fixation Academy of Performing Arts will follow the steps outlined in our Behaviour Management Policy. A copy is available if required.

Class Tutors

  • Whilst it is our policy that we endeavour to ensure you always have the same class tutor, we cannot guarantee this as tutors fall ill, leave etc. Also, due to the extremely thorough nature of our training, we may occasionally need to have a new leader teaching your class. They are always fully trained at this point, but they do need to teach a series of ‘live classes’ in order to complete their assessment process. All class Tutors are enhanced DBS checked.
  • Online classes may be provided by an alternative class tutor or via a pre-recorded video.

Exclusion of Liability

  • In the absence of any proven negligence, lack of due diligence or breach of duty by your class Tutor(s); Fixation Academy of Performing Arts.; or employees, the participation of you; your spouse/partner; child or those in whose care you have placed your child for the purpose of attending or observing Fixation Academy of Performing Arts classes is done so entirely at your and their own risk.

Health & Safety

  • The health and safety of Students and parents/guardians (where applicable) in our classes are of paramount importance. Fixation Academy of Performing Arts adheres to strict health and safety and e-safety guidelines.
  •  Smoking and the bringing or consumption of alcohol and the use or being under the influence of illegal substances is not permitted anywhere in our Academies.


  • Should you as a student or your child or the accompanying adult (where relevant) have, or develop, any known or suspected medical condition, especially anything that could be contagious, you must please consult your doctor before bringing them to the session and inform your class tutor. All information received is treated with the strictest confidence and sensitivity.
  • Parents / guardians are asked to keep their child/student at home if he/she has any kind of contagious illness including, but not limited to: COVID-19, Measles, Chicken pox, German measles, Whooping cough, Impetigo, Scarlett fever, Hand, foot and mouth disease, Norovirus, Ear infection, Bad cold with heavy nasal discharge, Conjunctivitis.
  • In the case of COVID-19 please follow all Government and NHS guidelines.
  • Please wait until the doctor has given you the all clear before returning to classes.
  • In the instance of sickness and/or diarrhoea the student must have been clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before attending a class. No credit or refund can be offered for classes missed due to illness.


  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts prides itself on creating original and unique ideas to ensure and deliver a top-quality service. The content and information provided throughout our classes are copy-written and under ownership of Fixation Academy of Performing Arts.
  • You are not permitted to copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, enhance or in any way exploit any of the Fixation Academy of Performing Arts materials in any manner without permission from the copyright holders.

Privacy Policy & Data Protection

  • Fixation Academy of Performing Arts / class Tutors will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.
  • Please see our privacy policy on the website for more details – https://fixationacademy.co.uk/privacy-policy/ or ask for a copy.

Equal Opportunities

Fixation Academy of Performing Arts works in accordance with all relevant legislation, to provide equality of opportunity for all students, children and families and take positive action to eliminate discrimination in all areas of their work, including:

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995, 2005
  • Race Relations Act 1976 + Amendment 2000
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1986
  • Children Act 1989, 2004
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act 2001
  • The Equality Act 2006, 2010


  • If you have a complaint or concern that cannot be resolved via the tutor, please contact us privately via info@fixationacademy.co.uk and we will do our best to resolve the matter. Please go to https://fixationacademy.co.uk/complaints-policy/